Not all brains work the same
We all know that many people have conditions such as ADHD/ADD and other neuro-divergent conditions. What does it mean for you if you’re one of them - and how can you pursue your own goals and succeed
The most important thing is to have your condition assessed and a diagnosis provided. A management plan can then be adopted which will involve changes in how you go about particular tasks - including studying. Your management plan might also include prescription medication and over the counter supplements such as fish oil and zinc
Conditions like ADHD make it more difficult to concentrate and to maintain focus on a single task. Thinking and attention can feel “scattered” and procrastination can be a significant issue.
When it comes to studying, fam - if you have a differently-operational brain:
make extra use of regular breaks
maybe study for 15-20 mins before a 5 min break
make sure that your study notes are kept brief and use dotpoints
make use of diagrams if it helps you
add colour coding of important things to remember
summarise things in your own words
use mnemonics more 🖼
record study notes if it helps
& be patient with yourself